“Ein­blick!” peer ment­or­ing for fe­male stu­dents

The “Einblick!” (insights) peer mentoring program gives female graduates and those in the final stages of their degree the chance to talk to other female students about doing a PhD. Participants are teamed up with a female PhD student as a mentor, who tells them about her own experience, encourages and inspires them to think about pursuing a PhD and provides information on the support and funding available for early-career researchers and junior academics.

The six-month program includes participation in the university’s training and qualification programs, expert sessions with women with PhDs from science and industry and regular group meetings with a mentor.

Website for Paderborn University’s peer mentoring program "Einblick" for female students (currently only available in German)

Peer mentoring program flyer (currently only available in German)



“Einblick!” peer mentoring for female students
Room: H4.125
Phone: 05251/60-2898
Email: peermentoring(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de


Prof. Dr. Ingrid Scharlau
Room: H4.129
Email: ingrid.scharlau(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de


Dipl.-Päd. Irmgard Pilgrim
Central Equal Opportunities Officer
Room: E 2.103
Phone: 05251/60-3724
Email: irmgard.pilgrim(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de 

audit family-friendly…

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in NRW to be awarded the designation of “family-friendly university”.


Paderborn University has received the TOTAL E-QUALITY Award for their equality-oriented Human Resources policies.

Diversity Charter

Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter in October 2011. Additional information can be found here.

audit vielfaltsgerechte…

Das Kuratorium der berufundfamilie erteilt zum 15. März 2023 das Zertifikat zum audit vielfaltsgerechte hochschule an die Universität Paderborn.