Ment­or­ing for Fe­male Doc­tor­al Stu­dents

To encourage women into a career in academia after their PhD and attract them to professorships, Paderborn University set up its mentoring programme for female PhD students in 2008. Participating students are assigned a personal mentor – a highly experienced female professor – to benefit from their first-hand experience, as well as individual and practical support. Mentors provide career planning advice, for example, and give constructive feedback on performance and skills. They explain the unwritten “rules of the game” of academic life and facilitate access to professional and sector networks. The programme also includes associated training and qualification measures, as well as internal network meetings for mentees.

You can find further information here.

Flyer Mentoring-Program (Currently only available in German)


Room: H4. 125
Phone: 05251/60-2898
Email: mentoring(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de


Prof. Dr. Ingrid Scharlau
Room: H4.129
Email: ingrid.scharlau(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de

Dipl.-Päd. Irmgard Pilgrim
Central Equal Opportunities Officer
Room: E 2.103
Phone: 05251/60-3724
Email: irmgard.pilgrim(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de 

Prof. Dr. Katrin Klingsieck
Room: H4.141
Phone: 05251/60-5490
Email: katrin.klingsieck(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de

audit family-friendly…

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in NRW to be awarded the designation of “family-friendly university”.


Paderborn University has received the TOTAL E-QUALITY Award for their equality-oriented Human Resources policies.

Diversity Charter

Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter in October 2011. Additional information can be found here.

audit vielfaltsgerechte…

Das Kuratorium der berufundfamilie erteilt zum 15. März 2023 das Zertifikat zum audit vielfaltsgerechte hochschule an die Universität Paderborn.