Pro­grams, op­por­tun­it­ies and sup­port for school­chil­dren

Paderborn University offers schoolchildren the opportunity to find out more about the university, its campus and course programs, with the chance to pursue their specific research interests in a number of projects and workshops and participate in a taster course at the university, for example. During the school holidays, the university offers holiday programs (so-called "Kinderferienfreizeiten") for schoolchildren to try their hand at research, crafts and experiments.


Since 1999, the university has held holiday programs on campus for children of university parents during the school holidays. The aim of these programs is not only to make life easier for staff and students trying to juggle work and childcare, but also to get primary school-age children interested in, or to consolidate their existing interest in STEM subjects.

You can find further information on Paderborn University’s holiday programs during school holidays here.

Like many other universities, Paderborn University is also actively involved in the “Girls’ Day – Future Prospects for Girls” open day event.

You can find further information on Girls’ Day here.

Since 2010, Paderborn University has also held a “Boys’ Day – Future Prospects for Boys” open day event.

For further information on Boys’ Day, click this link.

Every summer semester, Paderborn University offers all girls aged 13-19 the opportunity to experience student life at first hand. During this “taster week”, participants can attend various lectures and workshops in STEM subjects (mathematics, computer science, science and technology).

You can find further information on Spring Uni here.

Every winter semester, Paderborn University offers all girls aged 13-19 the opportunity to experience student life at first hand. During this “taster week”, participants can attend various lectures and workshops in STEM subjects (mathematics, computer science, science and technology).

You can find further information on Autumn Uni here.

Every year, in co-operation with companies in the region, the University Executive Board awards a prize in the form of a certificate and prize money to the best female and male pupils in Years 10 and 11 (aged 14-16) out of all comprehensive and grammar schools in the Paderborn and Höxter areas.

You can find further information on the “Förderpreis der Wirtschaft” prize here.


You can find further information and programs, opportunities and support for schoolchildren on the “Student Advice Centre” and “Women Shape the Information Society” pages


audit family-friendly…

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in NRW to be awarded the designation of “family-friendly university”.


Paderborn University has received the TOTAL E-QUALITY Award for their equality-oriented Human Resources policies.

Diversity Charter

Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter in October 2011. Additional information can be found here.

audit vielfaltsgerechte…

Das Kuratorium der berufundfamilie erteilt zum 15. März 2023 das Zertifikat zum audit vielfaltsgerechte hochschule an die Universität Paderborn.