Going Abroad During And After The Doctorate

A stay abroad can give you access to special sources, expand your knowledge and language skills, and strengthen your international network. In addition to that, it can be an advantage in applications and in funding proposals, as it illustrates that you think across borders, are open to new things, and can engage with different academic cultures. But above all, it is a valuable experience. Here you can find information on what stays abroad are possible during and after your doctorate, how to find suitable hosts, and what to bear in mind when organising your stay.

When, where, how long?

Before you plan your stay abroad, you should be clear about your goals and what you need to do to achieve them. In addition to deciding how long the stay should be, this also determines where to go. Hence you need to have a general idea of the structure of your project. On the other hand you should not be so far along in the project that you cannot really expect new findings.

When and Where?

The best time for a stay abroad, as well as the ideal location, depend on what the purpose of the stay is: Do you want to present your project at a specific conference? Do you need access to specific sources or do you have the opportunity to conduct research together with an  outstanding researcher in your field? While shorter stays can still be planned spontaneously, it makes sense to prepare longer stays well in advance.

For how long?

The duration of your stay abroad should correspond with the scope and relevance of your intended research programme. If you want to gather key findings for your doctoral dissertation during your stay abroad, you should start early and allow sufficient time. If the stay abroad is more about networking in the international research community, access to certain secondary sources, or if you want to gain teaching experience, a stay of 4 weeks to 3 months may already be sufficient.

Fund­ing Your Stay Abroad

Depending on the purpose of your stay, and on whether you are doing or have already completed your doctorate, there are various ways to (partially) finance a stay abroad. Here you will find an overview of funding providers and programmes. The Jenny Aloni Centre currently does not offer funding.

The programmes listed below may accept applications only under certain conditions and by specific deadlines. Please check the programme conditions for each programme individually.


  • Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility (STA)
    Funding for short-term teaching activities (up to 60 days) at an Erasmus+ partner university by teachers and research assistants of Paderborn University. If you are interested in this, please contact the International Office.
  • DAAD Short-term and Long-term Lectureships
    Funding is available for invited lecturers who would like to teach at a foreign university for a limited period of time (short-term lectureship 4 weeks to 6 months; long-term lectureship 2 to 5 years).

Ex­cel­lent In­ter­na­tion­al Re­search

Paderborn University excels in research, as can be surmised from its cooperation with partners worldwide, international projects and prizes, as well as outstanding researchers from all over the world. Our researchers are offered excellent opportunities for worldwide networking through funding from the European Union (EU), the German Research Foundation (DFG), and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Learn more about opportunities to do research on an international scale.


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