Sci­ence Com­mu­nic­a­tion

Outstanding science - presented in a way that is appropriate for the target group and easy to understand for the general public

Interdisciplinary, application-oriented and focused on the needs of society: This characterizes both basic research as well as knowledge and technology transfer. The relevance of cutting-edge research is particularly suitable for public communication.

Exciting research projects or results alone are not enough - in addition to the scientific community, the research should also be communicated to a large audience in the form of press releases. Target group-oriented and easy to understand.

You have an interesting topic for us?

The Department of Press, Communication and Marketing supports scientists in communicating their research projects and results to the traditional media.   

It is essential to use different communication channels in a sensible and targeted manner. Depending on the news value, we distinguish between local, regional and national dissemination - in print as well as on the radio and online. In addition, the press release appears on the university's news pages and is thus permanently accessible.

Based on texts and manuscripts you send us and/or interviews, we create articles and press releases in accordance with you.

Research News & Portraits

On the Research News page, we have summarized all press releases from the area of "Science and Research" for you.

In the series "Researchers in Profile" we present the research focus of our newly appointed professors (German only).

Ihre An­s­prech­part­ner­in

Nina Reckendorf

Press, Communications and Marketing Office

Deputy Head of Press and Communications, Editor

Write email +49 5251 60-3981